Travel & Transportation - CLB 6 (LINC)

Listening  Speaking  Reading  Writing  Comments

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Comprehensive lessons on public transit, road safety, and getting a driver’s license for CLB 6 learners. Tutela: Travel & Transportation Lessons
Interactive ESL resources for understanding transit maps, road signs, and safety rules. Settlement at Work: Travel & Transportation Resources
Worksheets and quizzes that focus on vocabulary and skills needed for using public transit and getting a driver’s license. All Things Topics: Travel & Driver’s License Worksheets


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Listening activities on travel-related topics such as public transit announcements and driver’s license instructions. English Club: Travel Listening Practice
Video lessons on understanding road signs, transit instructions, and driver’s test information. YouTube: Travel & Driver’s License Listening


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Speaking practice activities for discussing road safety, asking for driving directions, and public transit routes. ESL Fast: Travel Speaking Practice
Role-play exercises for CLB 6 learners to practice conversations about travel plans, transit schedules, and driving tests. English Club: Travel Speaking Activities


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Reading comprehension tasks on road signs, public transit schedules, and driver’s license applications. Best of the Reader: Travel Stories
Reading exercises on transit maps, driving test instructions, and transportation safety rules. English for Everyone: Travel Readings


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Writing tasks for filling out driver’s license applications, describing a travel experience, and providing driving directions. ESL Writing: Travel Writing Practice
Writing exercises on describing a public transit trip, explaining road signs, and giving instructions for a driving route. ESL Printables: Travel Writing Worksheets
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Tutela Real World Tasks (OCDSB)

CLB CLB 6 (L, S, R, W)

CLB Can Do Statements 6 (L, S, R, W)
